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Student Support Services

 Student Improvement Team (SIT)

The purpose of Student Improvement Teams is to offer assistance to students, parents, and school staff when there is a family, school, or individual/peer concern.  The district is supportive of the RTI process. It is a way of screening students early in their schooling, that can help schools and educators identify those who may not be responding to instruction - and thus may be at risk for school failure. The techniques allow schools, on a school-wide basis, to provide any student more intensive support - and monitor their progress - than typically available in every classroom.  MTSS interventionists at Riverview include, but are not limited to, the reading specialist, guidance counselor, social worker, and English Language Learning specialists.

If parents have an academic, behavioral, or social-emotional concern regarding their child's development, they are encouraged to first contact the classroom teacher or school guidance counselor.


MTSS is a state-wide initiative that is designed to systematically ensure that students are receiving the time and support necessary to learn the intended curriculum. For USD 232’s students, MTSS is a required component of the preventative system of instruction that provides all students the educational strategies to address their specific needs. riverview's MTSS builds a system of prevention, early intervention, and supports to ensure that all students are learning from the instruction. Parents will be notified if their student is identified by the school as needing additional support beyond the general education classroom, and regularly provided with progress monitoring data while a student is receiving additional academic, behavioral, or social-emotional support.

  • ALL students receive Tier 1 instructional resources and strategies
  • SOME students need Tier 2 target interventions (additional strategies and resources in area of concern).  Students receive these supports during time set aside a minimum of four days a week for 30 minutes ("FLIGHT School") in both reading, math, and behavior.
  • FEW students receive Tier 3 target interventions, in which the provided interventions are more intensive and frequent.  Students receive these supports during time set aside a minimum of four days a week for 30 minutes ("FLIGHT School") in both reading, math, and behavior.  In addition to FLIGHT School intervention time, students in Tier 3 also receive services for an additional 30 minutes per day.

Parents with students receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 services receive information on student progress each month, and are invited to attend school meetings regarding student progress.

Students with exceptionalities receiving special education and related services require individualized education plans (IEPs), and have a resource teacher as their case manager who remains in contact with parents and education staff about student progress and accommodations and modifications as outlined by the IEP.

Students with medical needs that require a 504 Plan have the school guidance counselor as their case manager who remains in contact with parents and education staff about student progress and accommodations as outlined by the 504 Plan.