Attendance Policy and Procedures
Reporting An Absence
If your child will be absent from school, please call the attendance line at 913-441-0185 by 8:45 am.
You may also email Jillian Harris, Attendance Secretary, at as well.
- Good attendance is essential to success in school. Absences are at times unavoidable due to illness or family concerns.
- Students are expected to attend school and to be present and punctual for all classes each day when school is in session. The only acceptable reasons for absence are: Illness, court appearances, family emergencies (funerals, critical illness), religious holidays, and school-sponsored events.
- Absence for illness will be excused upon receiving verification from the parents no later than the day the student returns to school. Students are expected to make up for the work missed. Building Principals may request a doctor’s statement if the absence is for more than three days in a row, five days per semester, or seven days in a school year.
- Absence by parent request for family and personal reasons is acceptable provided arrangements are made by the Building Principal in advance of the absence. The number of days allowed for parent request will be limited to five per semester. Make-up work is expected.
- Unexcused absences and repeated, excessive tardies are subject to disciplinary actions and may evolve into truancy under the Statutes of the State of Kansas.
Late Arrival (After 8:45 am)
If a student arrives after 8:45 am and there are NO Honor Patrol students actively opening doors, parents need to park their vehicle and walk their student into the school and sign them in as tardy.
Early Sign-Out (Before 3:50 pm)
Parents need to park their vehicle and come into the school building to request their student for early sign-out. Students will not be called out of class until the parent or person picking them up comes into the office to sign them out. If a parent is sending another adult or older sibling to pick up a student, the parent must notify the office that this person has permission to pick up the student. Please make sure you are allowing yourself enough time to wait for your student to be called out of class. If your child is between classes, it might take 5-10 minutes to locate your child. We appreciate your patience in our effort to maximize learning time for students and to keep them safe.