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Staying Healthy

Here are some key points to remember about keeping our students healthy:

1. Good hand washing: Using soap and water is best, but hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available. If your hands are visibly dirty, then soap and water is a must.


2. Respiratory Etiquette: Covering coughs and sneezes using the elbow instead of the hands. It is also good practice to use a tissue only once and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after using a tissue.


3. Please keep your child home if they are really not feeling well, even if they are technically "okay" to come to school. This will help us keep illnesses to a minimum.


4. The school nurse is NOT here to diagnose illnesses. Please see your family health care provider if you think your student requires medical attention.


It is recommended that families think ahead of time of a backup plan in case students are sick and need to be kept home. Please make sure the school has up-to-date phone numbers to reach parents. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school nurse.